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Support Forum · Home » phpBB 2.0.x » MOD's » Jury MOD

How about having your very own online courtroom! This is perfect for everyone, down to major decisions, such whether someone should be banned, down to the smaller cases, such as whether someone was guilty of double posting. This MOD can be a whole heap of fun, so why not try it out now!

What do I need to use this MOD?
If you have phpBB 2.0.x installed, you can use this MOD!

How does it work?
You can be the judge! You submit a case, posting the scenario, and the accused. Users then comment on the case, posting their views, along with a "Guilty" or "Not Guilty" vote. The judge (you) can follow the precedings at any time, by clicking the view comments link. The case is summarized, by having the number of Guilty / Not Guilty votes listed, and all of the users comments, along with how they voted, outputted below. When the judge feels he / she has come to a decision, they can post the outcome. At this point, the case is closed.

Can I see some screenshots? Certainly! Visit our screenshots page.

Note: This MOD was last updated in 2005.

Download: Download from here.